advance your ideas

Hi, I'm Patricio, the Founder and CEO of Xiasmos

I'm a highly creative person but also a perfectionist passionate about technology. I dream of a future where systems can learn and adapt to your needs and perform precisely, always.

I've seen so many companies having a hard time growing when using legacy applications or generic tools that I decided to make a difference.

I intend to empower you with reliable and intuitive systems using the best combination of technologies and experience gained in a wide range of industries.

I've been turning complex problems into elegant solutions for years and I'm looking forward to helping you advance your ideas.

Xiasmos CEO

Xiasmos is a name derived from Chiasm/Chiasmus [Greek χιάζω], a writing style popular in the literature of the ancient world but also used by Shakespeare and other authors. It is generally used to connect ideas or to illustrate a higher point.

October 2011

Registered the Xiasmos.com domain. As a new parent, I had many sleepless nights, maybe you can relate. One of these nights, I was thinking of a name for a start-up, the concept of chiasmus (literature) visited me, so that's how Xiasmos was born.

October 2013

Incorporated in Chile. The mobile start-up was a failure (blame Windows Phone), but I started doing software maintenance for USA companies. Who would have thought that the year after we would move to New Zealand!

April 2015

Incorporated in New Zealand, mainly to keep couple maintenance projects running.

April 2017

The side projects grew into a small consulting firm, full time, non-stop, providing diverse software services to larger companies with projects in New Zealand, Australia, and beyond.

I don't like to brag, but customer reviews/recommendations are typically like: "Computer Genius", "Rockstar", "I am massively impressed" etc.

If you are after quality, elegance, and reliability, let's get in touch

May 2020

COVID-19 hit the world, so we stopped for a while, a much needed time off to recharge and to spend time exploring new ideas. I can't wait to unveil what is next, watch this space!

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